It starts with a Tomato Sandwich Party

It starts with a Tomato Sandwich Party, like all good things do.

Tomato Sandwich Party

What, you may ask, is a tomato sandwich party? It’s a community garden event. Bread from local bakeries, tasty pesto, and an assortment of tomatoes: purple, yellow, red.

I really wouldn’t technically call them sandwiches, more like a pile of tomato on a slice of bread. A pile of awesome tomato that makes you want to have your own garden. Throw in some music and lemonade and have the party in a back yard near the chicken coop.

Good wholesome fun.

Several years ago, I invited a man to go to the Tomato Sandwich Party with me, quite sure he would think it was silly and I would go alone. But he was game, and we had our first ‘just us’ date with the tomatoes and the music.

The rest of the day was us spending time together. And we still are together. So good things start with a Tomato Sandwich Party.

I don’t really know where I’m going with this, but I need to start something new.

I’m just going to put stuff out there and see what happens. I have too many words hidden away in my notebooks.

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